Hometown: Ithaca, NY (Once voted the most enlightened town in America!)
Things you should know about me:
- I eat broccoli for breakfast almost every morning. On purpose.
- I take color coding my calendar very seriously and own all of the colored pens and highlighters. All. Of. Them.
- I was voted Most Ambitious in Eighth Grade, so there’s that.
- My current favorite band is Lake Street Dive.
- I enjoy a good cup of tea.
- I like to make lists. Can you tell?
Career Goals:
- Make people laugh. Make people cry. The standard stuff, really.
- Play smart, sophisticated, sexy women who have fun with language. Aaron Sorkin, any chance you’re reading this?
- Work on projects where I get to:
a. Wear a corset/some other gorgeous period costume.
b. Ride a horse.
c. Do pratfalls.
d. All of the above.